2004 Colloquium Ict Charting A Couse
Information & Communications Technology – Charting a Course for Australia
- Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh NSW
- Conference Hall, Bay 4, Locomotive Building
- Thursday 4th November 2004
The Pearcey Foundation Inc. welcomed over 100 colloquium participants from anoriginal invited list of eighty, for a workshop discussion that was intended to help chart the future for Australian ICT as we approach a new year, with a new national government term, a new and developing international trade framework and the continuing challenge of new technology and new global industry dynamics.
There were four workshop discussion groups, each with an appointed leader and a rapporteur and around fifteen-twenty group members. Each
group examined one dimension of the overall theme. Respected journalist Beverley Head acted as overall Rapporteur and prepared a summary of
the Colloquium conclusions for presentation at the Pearcey Awards Dinner that evening. To encourage a frank exchange of views, and in common
with all previous Pearcey Colloquia, the “Chatham House” rules were applied, in that we do not attribute remarks to individuals in any
public record.
For full details, please see 2004-Pearcey-Colloquium-SWOT-Australian-ICT-Industry.pdf

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