Australia 4.0 Communiqué Launch
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Level 27, Tower 1, International Towers, 100 Barangaroo Ave, Sydney NSW 2000 |

Why Australia 4.0?
Every aspect of human endeavour is being challenged to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere that are driving a global climate change which is threatening the survival of our species.
The highest priorities are being given to changing those human activities relying on fossil fuels and the anthropomorphic carbon they generate. Shifting from fossil fuels to other sources of energy requires massive change in the generation, distribution, storage and consumption of electricity. This change cannot be realised without deep integration with modern ICT monitoring, automation and control. Just as that change in industrial processes was coined as Industry 4.0, we have chosen Australia 4.0 to describe the seismic shift of the national energy system towards a zero-carbon model.
VIP Guests
At the launch of the Communiqué there will be a short keynote address by The Honourable Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science (prerecord) followed by a panel discussion.
Guests present will include:
Mr Wayne Fitzsimmons OAM, Chairman, Pearcey Foundation Limited
Dr Ian Oppermann, Chair of Australia 4.0 Committee
Ms Anna Collyer, Chair, AEMC
Ms Helen McHugh, President, ACS
Ms Lynne Gallagher, Board Member, AER
The panel will be chaired by Mr. Terry Lampard (President, Electric Energy Society of Australia) and comprise senior representatives from government, research, energy and ICT sectors.
By invitation only:
April 22nd, 9am – 11am
ACS Head Office
Level 27, Tower One, 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney