Australia 4.0 DIF Session - Is there a role for the Internet in the transformation of the electricity grid to Net Zero?
The challenges and opportunities of a digital and data enabled transformation of the electricity sector to Australia Net Zero
In terms of future energy networks, resilience will encompass four areas, all interdependent: Risk reduction, Readiness, Response and
Recovery. Multiple agencies will be involved across our nation’s vast geography to achieve this. Organisations responsible for electricity
system designs, such as islanded micro grids that could support resilience, will be dependent upon ‘smart’ approaches needed to manage an
isolated system, integrating customer assets and utility assets. This capability will be critical in delivering a seamless and secure
electricity ‘experience’. Our speakers will offer some approaches as to how to tackle this monumental challenge.
Who Should Attend: This is an event for anyone with a vested interest in the transformation of the electricity system to
Net Zero. You could be in the energy sector or the ICT sector; you might be in a management, technology, strategy, advisory, or policy role;
you are in a large corporate, or a private business; you are an industry or academic researcher, or a government policy and/or strategy
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