Australia 4.0 - Session # 6 - Critical Digital Technologies
The challenges and opportunities of a digital and data enabled transformation of the electricity sector to Australia Net Zero
The new grid will take on many similarities to a truly distributed communications network. Clearly, the ICT community is to be encouraged to
embrace this transformation and rapidly asses the challenges and opportunities this will raise. Working in an environment where electricity
distribution has been occurring on a vast scale, for more than a century will raise a certain degree of fear uncertainty and doubt, for the
incumbent players. They will have to deal with these transformational challenges - our speakers will attempt to outline some of those
Who Should Attend: This is an event for anyone with a vested interest in the transformation of the electricity system
to Net Zero. You could be in the energy sector or the ICT sector; you might be in a management, technology, strategy, advisory, or policy
role; you are in a large corporate, or a private business; you are an industry or academic researcher, or a government policy and/or
strategy leader.