Australia 4.0 - Session # 5 - Consumer Grid (In-person)
The challenges and opportunities of a digital and data enabled transformation of the electricity sector to Australia Net Zero
Smart metering will take on a whole new meaning in the transformed, distributed grid. Managing electricity/energy assets behind the meter, community assets such as batteries and the role of the local energy distributor will be critical elements that we must get right and so, ensure the community expectations are aligned to the desired end-result. Inevitably legislative changes, hence government involvement, will be required and vested interests will rapidly emerge. What can digitisation, digitlisation and ICT more broadly do for consumers of energy and the challenges of Demand Side management?
Starting a discussion on how to scope these issues will be challenging in itself, but, the panel will ‘have a go’.
Who Should Attend: This is an event for anyone with a vested interest in the transformation of the electricity system
to Net Zero. You could be in the energy sector or the ICT sector; you might be in a management, technology, strategy, advisory, or policy
role; you are in a large corporate, or a private business; you are an industry or academic researcher, or a government policy and/or
strategy leader.
You are registering for in-person attendance.
If you mean to register for online please go here.