Australia 4.0 - Session #2 - Future Grid


The challenges and opportunities of a digital and data enabled transformation of the electricity sector to Australia Net Zero

We know that the future grid must deal with two-way energy flows, complex mix of different types of generators (solar, wind, gas,
pumped hydro etc.), multilevel, geographically dispersed storage systems complex demand systems as well as challenging real time
monitoring, management and control of distributed networks. The framing of the transformation of the grid towards this complexity of an
operating environment is challenging, to say the least. Our experts have been asked to attempt to describe the key elements of an approach
to defining such challenges.

Who Should Attend: This is an event for anyone with a vested interest in the transformation of the electricity system to
Net Zero. You could be in the energy sector or the ICT sector; you might be in a management, technology, strategy, advisory, or policy role;
you are in a large corporate, or a private business; you are an industry or academic researcher, or a government policy and/or strategy

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