The Pearcey Foundation has been busy over the last few months with our entrepreneur awards programs, Australia 3.0 events and progressing our proposed Pearcey Institute.
Pearcey will hold its national awards and present the Pearcey Medal and Hall of Fame as well as the Benson Entrepreneur Award. in November in conjunction with the ACS and their new Disruptor Awards at a Gala Dinner on Tuesday 17th November at the Star, Pyrmont in Sydney - so please set aside that day in your diary? now!
We are seeking names and or nominations for potential Hall of Famers and Medalists so please contact us [email protected] or visit the website.
All Pearcey State Award winners will be recognised at the annual gala dinner in Sydney on 17 November and one will be presented with the 2015 Benson Entrepreneur Award in recognition of taking a risk, making a difference and being an inspiration.
Most recently Canberra and Brisbane celebrated their winners. 2015 ACT Pearcey Entrepreneur winner is Greg Boorer, CEO and founder of Canberra Data Centres and 2015 Queensland Pearcey Award winner is Wayne Gerard, CEO and Founder of Redeye. Both these events were held in conjunction with the local ACS branch and local AIIA council where the three parties continue to collaborate closely to recognise the leaders of our industry. Special thanks to Pearcey Queensland Chair Sam Higgins and ACT Chair Brand Hoff.
Events are planned for South Australia, Victoria, NSW and Tasmania during September and October and we hope you can join in the celebrations of your local industry heroes. For more details please refer to or
We are very appreciative of CSIRO for again supporting the Pearcey State Awards culminating in the 2015 Benson Entrepreneur Award.
year we will hold the national A3.0 event as part of REIMAGINATION with the ACS in Sydney on 17 November.
To date Australia 3.0 has been focused in four streams - mining, infrastructure, government services and health, all very challenging topics. In 2015 we have already had a one-day brainstorming session around ICT in government health services. Two major events are being planned currently; a national virtual pitching competition, in late October, involving leaders in innovation from mining companies, research institutions and independent specialists, with a focus on showcasing new innovative solutions that involve the use of ICT.
After the success of A3.0 InfraHack last year a weekend hackathon will be run before the annual forum on 14-15 Nov. Focused on improving the nation's infrastructure using Australian technological capabilities. It will be hosted at NICTA's NSW Eveleigh labs and organised in conjunction with Code for Australia and Creative Suburbs.
See for last year's winners and this year's details. Register your interest [email protected]
Since 2011 the Australia 3.0 forum has been driven by collaboration across industry with Foundation Partners NICTA and CSIRO, ACS and
previously AIIA and attracted support the federal and state governments. It was the vision and drive of the late Ian Birks, when CEO of
AIIA, and our national committee member Charles Lindop, that made this collaboration work. This initiative is really what has crystalised
the Pearcey Foundation's desire to establish the Pearcey Institute.
Since 2006 the Pearcey Foundation has been floating the concept of establishing an economics studies institute looking at the impact of the digital economy on our nation. Last August when delivering the 2014 Pearcey Oration ,recently retired Senator for the ACT, Senator Kate Lundy, highlighted the rationale and need for a Pearcey Institute and raised the prospect of crowd funding this initiative. The momentum arising from Kate's speech has seen the Pearcey National Committee, along with a handful of volunteers, reaching out to academia, industry, research and government to seek a consensus on just how the Pearcey Institute should be constituted and what role is could or should play.
What has emerged from all of our discussions is broad agreement that the ICT sector needs to take a leadership role in informing society and developing policy recommendations based on hard evidence about the digital economy and many of its disruptive elements. Since its inception in 1999, the Pearcey Foundation has undertaken a spectrum of leadership initiatives for shaping the future direction of our nation with respect to advanced technologies.
We believe we, the ICT sector, need to stand up and be counted on advising our nation on this digital transformation as it pervades all aspects of our economy and society - we can't just 'leave it to others'!
In 2015 we are bringing a broad coalition of senior industry figures together to plan the creation of the Pearcey Institute (PI). Funding for PI will be a mixture of donations from friends of Pearcey like your good selves as well as interested industry and government groups who share our visionl. We believe the PI will draw on multiple disciplines in executing its plan and will be under the auspices of one or more academic institutions. Once a viable value proposition has been documented we will be in touch for feedback and suggestions on how to execute our plan to maximise impact.
More information is available online or contact us us to be involved.
You may have noticed that we have a new website due to the great work by Rick Harvey who has built a flexible platform based on open source Silver Stripe CMS. This has meant greatly improved productivity ensuring the site is contemporary and up to date with content. If any of you have any suggestions, resources or ideas you wish to impart please do so by email of telephone. We see our website as the vehicle for keeping everyone informed on what the Foundation is doing.
Pearcey Foundation is now on Twitter and we encourage friends to follow us @Pearcey_org. Share stories of your success as entrepreneurs and those who support our industry #Pearcey.
Ian Birks
Ian Birks, was a rarity in our industry as he truly lived an ethos of collaboration. As an association leader he understood the value of
working together to achieve a common purpose. Ian was closely associated with the Pearcey Foundation. Back in 2011, he and Charles Lindop
(co-chair Pearcey NSW) initiated our first Australia 3.0 event as a collaborative effort between AIIA, ACS and Pearcey and was involved
until recently. Ian's foresight and industry leadership will be sorely missed. The Australia 3.0 Steering Committee express their
appreciation of Ian's contribution to the industry (post). This
initiative is really what has crystalised the Pearcey Foundation's desire to establish the Pearcey Institute.
The Pearcey Foundation National Committee invites you to contact us and welcomes your feedback, ideas, and any suggestions on ways to improve what we do. Please take a look at our website as we are working hard to make it a contemporary platform for our industry to explain itself to the nation.
All the best - Wayne Fitzsimmons (Chair)
On behalf of the National Committee, Pearcey Foundation - Charles Lindop, Phil McCrea,Len Rust, Sandy Plunkett, Kelly Hutchinson (Deputy Chair), Peter Thorne and Rick Harvey
Website, Tweet, Share, Add us to your address book
Our mailing address is:
Pearcey Foundation, Level 1, 159 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne, Vic 3205, Australia
PDF version of this newsletter(PDF, 577 KB)