State Awards Process

The Pearcey Foundation welcomes nominations all year round for any of its awards. We encourage the nominations of anyone who has made a significant contribution to the ICT industry. Simply contact us with the details.

Pearcey State Entrepreneur Awards

The State Entrepreneur Awards recognise an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Australian information, communication and digital technology sector in their state.

The Pearcey State Awards are aimed at encouraging and rewarding fresh, innovative and inspiring talent in the information, communication and digital technology sectors. It is peer-selected award for a mid-career individual  who has demonstrated innovative and pioneering achievement and contribution in their chosen industry. The key criteria are that the individual has taken a risk, made a difference and is an inspiration.

The recipients will be drawn from contributors across all aspects of the ICT sector including (but not limited to) computing science, the Internet, communications, social media and networking, interactive media, games and the like.

The idea is to embrace all those mid-career professionals in the sector and not exclude anyone. The individual should be one who will act as a role model for others to acknowledge and, hopefully, emulate.


Each State or Territory considers nominations of outstanding individuals within that State or Territory. 

Nominations are accepted all year round.

Self nomination is not permitted.

Please fill out the Pearcey State Nomination Form


The award is aimed at an outstanding entrepreneur who has "taken a risk", "made a difference" and "is an inspiration".

Risk is a measure of the extent to which the candidate has crusaded a new business and/or technology, particularly in their own venture. The nominee has gone out on a limb to achieve things, rather than just doing it as part of their normal job. Considerations include:

  • Boldness, initiative and execution of the venture
  • Size (or potential) of business, revenue, offices etc
  • The journey that lead to the success

Difference is related to both the commercial success and the impact in the ICT sector. The nominee has to be more than just successful, their success should have had a measurable/notable impact on the sector and/or community. Considerations include:

  • The commercial impact of the contribution
  • The breadth and depth of the innovation
  • The industry impact of the contribution or venture

Inspiration is about the type of person they are. The nominee should be a role model, especially for younger people, and be an advocate for the Australian ICT sector. Considerations include:

  • Role model and inspiration to younger generation
  • Leadership and profile in the industry
  • Contributions to the wider community


    Each State or Territory has its own Selection Committee which is usually led by the State or Territory Chair of the Pearcey Foundation and includes a panel of industry leaders drawn from past Pearcey Award recipients in that state and other industry luminaries.

    The Committee will review all nominations against the criteria and for relevance to the Award of the achievements and experience of the nominee in the information, communication and digital technology sectors.

    Then the panel will shortlist candidates and may choose to interview them before making their decision. Usually, finalists (or the recipient) will be notified prior to the award ceremony and their presence requested at the ceremony to receive the award.

    The State Award recipient is then automatically a candidate for the National Entrepreneur Award.

    Previous recipients are listed under each state in our State Awards section.
